Thursday, October 21, 2010

I Actually Won a Contest!

I did it! I've never won a contest in my life. Well, that's not quite true. I did win a raffle given by my brother when I was ten years old, the cutest little stuffed dinosaur... But that's another story.
Anyway, I won the contest given by Kai Strand on her website where she did a fabulous interview with Soda(John J. Clements) about his book 'The Wizard of Odd'. Fun book! And if you get the chance, read the interview, also very fun.
As for the contest, I tweeted the most about the interview and won a copy of the book. Yeah! Nothing better than free books from talented authors.
I won, I won, I won...!

Monday, October 11, 2010

Welcome to My Blog!

I was going to write something clever and whitty for this week, but as usual, I've overbooked my time.

Take a look around, read my posts, get to know me on Facebook

and MySpace

And if you have a minute, write a sentence or two on my round-about story
